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GRUBB - Vogue pl februar 2025

Let this Valentine’s day be a reminder to celebrate all kinds of love as equally valuable, inspiring, and beautiful. Pretty Loud is one of them.

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Dec 12, 2024

Marking International Human Rights Day

As guests of AstraZeneca, we had the opportunity to share the impactful work we’re doing with our kids. We are grateful to AstraZeneca for their interest in hearing our story and the conversation around human rights. GRUBB is there to empower the next generation and break down barriers. Thank you for supporting us.

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It’s crucial that we don’t view the Roma community solely as a group that constantly requires assistance and is inherently vulnerable. We need to broaden our perspective and recognize the necessity, potential, talent, and aspiration of the Roma people to be on equal footing with everyone else.

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Elles sont roms, féministes et elles ont choisi le rap pour prôner l’émancipation des femmes de leur communauté. Être une femme rom, c’est faire partie d’une communauté largement marginalisée et d’une société ultra-patriarcale où la moitié des femmes sont encore mariées avant leur majorité. Discriminations, manque d’accès à l’éducation formelle, elles doivent lutter sur tous les fronts.
Pour ne plus laisser les autres parler à leur place, plusieurs d’entre elles, originaires de Serbie, ont décidé de former des groupes de rap. Leur souhait c’est d’investir une nouvelle forme musicale et donner une voix aux femmes roms loin des images stéréotypées qu’on leur prête.

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GRUBB - Grubb 2012 copie

GRUBB Stories shop

If you are interested purchasing a copy of GRUBB stories, please contact [email protected]

Programs + Workshops

Daily tutoring for all schools subject tailored to each students individual needs

Daily dance classes open to all ages and levels of experience

Daily music classes open to all ages and levels of experience

Creative writing workshops

Photography + Video workshops

Prince’s Trust International Workshops are set to improve participant’s employability, soft skills and ability to set up their own business.


Schools and Educational Institutions both locally + internationally

International organizations such as the UN and Council of Europe

Ministry of Culture, Republic of Serbia

Local corporations for job placement

Prince’s Trust International to support young people on their journey from education to employment.